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No, this is not a Gilmore Girls revival (x2) pitch, but the theme song seemed appropriate.  2017 has already proven to be extraordinarily interesting in terms of the “where” for Misty Saves the Day.  No, I’m not moving.  I love Virginia Beach and will happily live here forever.  I have been SUPER fortunate to have […]

March 11, 2017

misty saves the day, behind the scenes, photoshoot, chelsea anderson photography

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Buckle up with me & Chelsea LaVere of Tidewater & Tulle while we go on a journey through the ins and outs of getting published, choosing the right place to get published, and why it can be so important for your business.  This is going to be one incredibly informative blog.  Make sure you’re cozy, […]

February 6, 2017

megan coleman photography, misty saves the day, either ore jewelers strawbridge

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People use Instagram one of two ways: they either have a perfectly curated feed that showcases their work beautifully, almost like a little mini-portfolio, or they keep it all personal, showcasing pictures of their kids, their activities, their food – whatever they want.  Having a professional Instagram is a battle, and figuring out how to […]

December 23, 2016

misty saves the day, dragon studio, stage right lighting, hilton virginia beach oceanfront, sky bar virginia beach, jollity & co, acrylic invitation, octopus invitation, wedding inspiration, iso:ALT, floating table

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I’ve thought a lot about how to write this blog – what’s important is that you know that it took me a while to type out the words, to thoughtfully say the things that I wanted to say, and that I decided that I’d tell you the whole story. Owning a business is just hard, […]

December 15, 2016

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We had our first ISO:EDU workshop on Sunday, and it was fantastic. Photographers from all skill sets came out, and we had a great time talking about what it takes to get published and get out there. We also went into some fun lighting scenarios with Mike Dragon’s awesome lighting skills.  It was our first workshop, so […]

December 7, 2016

yours truly portraiture the studio on main misty saves the day

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I’ve always had a special place in my heart for small business, and now that I am one and understand all the trials that go into being a small business owner, it makes my heart even happier to be able to take some of the burden away from business owners by helping with their social […]

November 26, 2016