We all have bad days. All of us. Or bad moments that turn into bad days. Habitually, when I have a bad moment, I let it turn into a bad day. I’ll be honest. My closest friends know it. My husband definitely knows it. I also tend to overreact to things (I said it, I […]
Do you ever feel like you’re going to lose your mind like Piper in that picture when you’re confined to your desk knocking out your to-do list? When I first started working from home, I seriously struggled with ways to stay at my computer desk. For those of you that know me well, you know […]
“Ideas are like rabbits. You get a couple and learn how to handle them, and pretty soon you have a dozen.” — John Steinbeck Do you ever feel like you have a head full of ideas and you don’t know where to start? What to do, how to grow bigger and do bigger things? How […]
Have you ever opened up your business Facebook page, or your Instagram, known you needed to update it, and then either posted something just for the sake of doing it without any intention behind it, or just gotten frustrated and closed your browser or app all together? This is why content strategy is so incredibly […]
I hear this ALL the time. “There’s so many photographers…”, “there’s so many wedding planners…”, “there’s so many options…”. Good. That’s my answer. Good. I’m glad that there are options. Here’s what you have to figure out: how do you set yourself apart? How do you show your client why they should hire you over […]
Vendors choose to style a shoot for a lot of reasons: they want to be published, they want to expand their portfolio, they want to push their creativity. The most important part about styled shoots, however, is making sure that you abide by etiquette. Tip 1: Try something new. Don’t replicate what you’ve found on […]