April has been a month of insanity. Ms. Piper is now officially a sassy 4 year old (not much different than the sassy 3 year old that she was) who had an insane princess party, and Wrenny Penny is a crawling 7-month-old force of nature. My awesome husband, Christopher, turned the big 3-0. My best friend in the world, and also our blogging expert, Ashley, turned 30 on the same day we celebrated her baby, Wyatt. I can’t wait to meet that little nugget.
Our ball-of-sass, Piper, is officially 4. She acts like she’s 14.

Photo by Dragon Studio
Our little Wren Collins is a crawling machine. There is no more not vacuuming. No more leaving a messy living room. Home girl will crawl halfway across the room while you’ve turned around to answer your phone. The babyproofing has begun.
Here’s how awesome my husband is: this photo was taken in a bounce house on his 30th birthday – because Piper’s princess party was ON Chris’ 30th birthday. He’s the kind of guy who says, “psh, it’s just a birthday. I want to celebrate my adorable kid.” He’s THAT amazing – other dads, take note. Chris Prewitt wins Dad of the Year.
Two days after this photo was taken, we lost our Molly pup to cancer. She was only 7. Boston terriers are supposed to live forever, but cancer got her too quickly, and we couldn’t do anything for her. We’d had her since she was a pup. She will always be our first baby, our Molly, our wild and crazy dog. We’ll miss you, Molly <3
As great/bad/horrible/memorable as April 2016 was, we’re looking forward to May. Personally, April was a rollercoaster, but professionally it was amazing. Misty Saves the Day signed three great businesses: Astro Entertainment, Crystal Palate, and Sea Interior Design. We started in on the latest edition of The Wedding Planner Magazine with our first creative team meeting. I got to see a venue that may be the next great Hampton Roads venue once renovations are complete.
May promises more greatness – an awesome branding photoshoot on Monday and brand new website for an amazing wedding vendor, another branding photoshoot at the end of the month for another fantastic wedding vendor – and prepping some styled shoots for Coastal VA Magazine & House of Maya Presents The Wedding Planner Magazine of Hampton Roads & Tidewater. On top of that, we’re looking forward to signing and getting started with a few more clients. Interested in learning more about our services? Click that handy contact button on our menu and let’s start chatting today!