The big announcement was yesterday, and after a lot of joy, fear, and excitement, I am happy to say that I have SIX inquiries with FOUR appointments set up to hopefully have fabulous clients to save! I am overjoyed by the outpour of love and support from family, friends, and “friendors” in the wedding community. I just can’t tell you how much it means to me and to my family to see that this idea wasn’t crazy, and that I could really take the leap and help small businesses in our area.

Photo by Dragon Studio
One of the things that I’m the MOST excited about is how many people want to know more about what “Misty Saves the Day” is and how it can benefit their business. When I was working at House of Maya, I can’t tell you how many business owners asked for advice, help, and more about the social media world. While I gladly gave it, when they realized the blood, sweat, tears, and work that goes into developing content and staying consistent in the virtual world, a lot of people became so overwhelmed that they said they wouldn’t be able to handle it, wouldn’t have time to do it, or didn’t feel comfortable training someone. The beauty of this business is that I can get to know you and your company on a personal level, and I don’t need the training! I’m so ecstatic to be able to offer this service to businesses – over 70% of couples book their vendors online. If your online presence isn’t known, or you aren’t regularly updating, what message are you sending to your client?
I know the Portfolio portion of the website might seem a little confusing right now – but what I want to show you is that I can help develop content if you’re missing it! If you’re worried that you don’t have enough weddings, enough photos, enough anything – I would LOVE to help you develop content that you can use for years to come. Whether it be for advertising, blogging, your website, or more, let’s connect you with vendors that you may have never worked with before and come up with something that beautifully fits your brand.
I’m a firm believer in bringing your personality into your business – your client should know you before you two have met. I’m not saying that you need to get into the nitty gritty personal stuff, but I’m hoping from my blog, from my website, from my Instagram – that you know who I am, what I love, and that you want to be part of that. I hope that I can bring your personality out in your social media and in the online realm so that your clients get that same feeling!
I’m so excited to get to meet with these amazing vendors – and equally excited that they want me to bring little Wrenny Penny along (don’t worry, if babies aren’t you’re thing, I do have a sitter!). It’s such a joy to get to grow within the wedding community, and have my family embraced in such a beautiful way. Thank you <3
This is my crazy life. And I LOVE it. And I’m so glad that you guys want to go on this wild ride with me!