Love What You Do

View More: thing that I have ALWAYS loved about the Hampton Roads wedding industry is how easy it is to become friends other industry professionals.  It’s a beautiful thing when we can all work together, and then still want to hang out at the end of the day.  Part of the reason that I am targeting the business to wedding professionals is because I want to work with my friends, or clients that could potentially be my friends.  I get to know you and your business on a professional level, obviously, but I have to bring your personality and your brand to social media, and in order to do that, I get to know you personally, too.

I think it’s SO important to bring an element of personal into your social media marketing campaign.  I’m certainly not saying that you have to be as personal as I get, or give people information that you wouldn’t give anyone else, but brides and clients hire you not only because of how amazing you are professionally, but because they trust you and your business personally.  When I did sales for bridal gowns, the reason that I think I was successful was because a bride was able to put her confidence in me – that I wasn’t just selling her to sell her, and that I had her best interest at heart.

Have your client’s best interest at heart.  Love what you do.  I do!View More:

Liz from Behind the Veil & Veil Studios (one of my super terrific clients starting November 15th!) had an awesome get together at Munden Point Park for her birthday earlier this week.  What was the best about it was the amount of awesome wedding vendors that were there – and I even got there late, and with Wrenny.  Wren is going to know all my awesome friendors because she gets passed around at each event- and LOVES it.  Crystal Gray is the baby whisperer and kept her happy most of the time until it was time to go.  But there was dancing (Yay Danny from Astro Entertainment!) and just friendship friendor love <3  I think it’s the perfect way to show you exactly what I mean.

Thanks to Leigh Skaggs Photography for these awesome photos.  And can we talk about how cute Wren is for a second? She clearly loves Nicole from Montero’s.<3

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