I spent a lot of time wondering if what I was doing (leaving a perfectly reliable job that I loved) was a good idea. Today confirmed that it was. I got a ton done this morning for the House of Maya marketing campaign before lunch, and then not only did I book a client (yay for Behind the Veil & Veil Studios!), but I got to do that with Wren in tow. Then, I was able to make sure that I made it to Piper’s Fall Festival at school and pick her up early.
I love making my own schedule. I love not worrying about how many hours I’m working. I love that I can work 20 hours or 60 hours, but I can do it on whatever time I need to. I love that Wrenny can stay home with me for the first year. And I know my daughters are going to love that. They really are the biggest reason that I did this.
Because sometimes, don’t you just need to let it go? Clearly, Piper was Elsa (with a kajillion other kids) for her Halloween Fall Festival.
You’re welcome for your daily dose of corny pun!
I’m so excited to be able to help Behind the Veil and Veil Studios with their social media campaigns and get more clients in their doors. I’m sure you already know how amazing they are – I’m excited to show you that they are even more awesome than you might have known!