It has quite literally been a banner week for me. On Thursday, I turned 30. That was crazy to me in and of itself (30? Really? I’m too young for this!). Mike & I launched ISO:ALT with one of the most beautiful photoshoots ever:

The floating table that started it all… click the photo or here to see more from our ISO:ALT launch shoot. Photography by Dragon Studio.
My littlest, my Wrenny Penny, the one who, the day that she was born, taught me that I was meant to do more, be more, and own Misty Saves the Day, turned one. Chris and I took the day off (this was Friday), went to the aquarium, snuggled her, and gave her her first cupcake. Guys, she’s one:
We had a party yesterday to celebrate (because we always do, and because I’m a little party-crazy when it comes to my kids and their birthdays). Cake Delights made Wren’s cake (like she always has for Piper), and Waterford Event Rentals provided some beautiful sequined linens for her mermaid bash.

Cake by Cake Delights, linens by Waterford Event Rentals
Here’s what I learned this week (and I kind of already knew, but it was just further reiterated):
I have the BEST friends. The best. Whether it’s each driving separately all the way from Roanoke on their anniversary weekend to be here for Wren’s first birthday, or all the epic gifts from all from all of my friends who were able to come celebrate with me, or coming out to Escape Room on my birthday sick as a dog (and somehow, we didn’t all get infected), or creating the most clever “Misty-starter kit” and staying up laughing (and technically working) until 1am the night before I turn 30, or super sweet phone calls, texts, messages, and birthday cards from the ones that I couldn’t see because mine and Wren’s birthday is the middle of wedding season – this was the best week. The best birthday. The best launch. The best kids’ birthday.
I also have the best clients ever. One of them showed up to my house with a gift on my birthday. Another had flowers and strawberries sent me. They all sent me messages in one way or another wishing me a happy birthday. They gave me space to enjoy my family and friends. I’m the luckiest person in the world to have the most amazing clients. Seriously – I couldn’t have asked for a better weekend. And a better weekend off, which they all know I’m so bad at taking!
I can’t forget the most important person in all of this. The person who has supported this insane year – my amazing husband, Chris. He was up with me every night this week working on the website, he bought me an epic mustard bike for my birthday, he arranged an evening of fun and dinner with my friends, stayed up late the night before Wren’s party cooking – he is incredible. Don’t worry, he’s sleeping in today.
So here’s to 30. I did a lot in my 20s: got married, had two kids, finished college, bought two houses, bought three cars (one at a time, and I still only have one, don’t worry), had an amazing career in the bridal world, and started TWO companies. If I can do that at 20, the 30’s should prove to be even more amazing.