Bare 25th Anniversary in Virginia Beach

I am a romantic. My type of romance is in the day-to-day rituals of love. Giving me space to recharge alone while also joining me for weekend camping adventures. Knowing when I need you to tap me out and when I need you to push me harder.  Being supportive and calling me out on my bullshit.  Maybe that’s why I loved this anniversary session with the lovely Mr. and Mrs. Bare in Virginia Beach.  It doesn’t look my romance, but you can feel it.  It’s real.  It’s them.

And it should be on the cover of a damn magazine.

I know Jason Bare from his work with OWN Real Estate.  You’ve seen OWN and a few of their realtors on my blog before.  (And don’t be surprised when you see some updated headshots for them later this month.). He is always incredibly dapper and showcases a style that is perfectly Jason.  He always stands out a little but never in a way that feels obnoxious.  Just in the way that is Jason Bare.  So it should be no surprise that his darling wife is just as stunning.  They fit together in a way that only 25 years of marriage can prepare you for.  The corners of life have been smoothed over with time and experience.  Twenty-five years of memories with the person that knows you best.  Every single picture with them captured this.  It was honestly incredible to be part of.  I’ll never shy away from a pretty couple but they are more than that.

They are the real deal.

You’ll want to take a peek at this gallery so that you don’t miss Jason’s surprise.  He did real good, y’all.

Some of you know me through my social media work.  Some of you know me because I’ve taken pictures of your family.  I can’t pick between the two, so I do both.  On an awesome day, I get to take personal portraits for someone that I know professionally.  It is the truest definition of when worlds collide.  Send me an email at  or text me at 757-620-0082 if you are interested in one or both!

Bonus points if you want to dance in the ocean in a tux or gown.

Or if you wear your Vans.

Who are we kidding?  I’ll take you however you come.

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