Have you ever hit that road block that you just can’t seem to battle? You can’t come up with exactly what you need, you aren’t signing the amount of clients that you need to, you’re in a creative slump? Isn’t it just the absolute worst? I’m about to get super real with you, because that’s what I do here – and it appears as though you guys like it.
Today is one of those days. One of those days where the storm feels heavier than the brightness of the light at the end of the tunnel. Creatively, I’m good. I know what I have to do to get things done, I know what I have to do to be bigger and better and fulfill my creative needs. I’m there. I’ve got my to-do list, I’ve got my pen and paper ready, and I’m imagining my future.
Do you ever get that moment of “what happens next? What if I really jump in? What if I fail? What if I fly?” I’m in those moments now. There are so many things on the horizon that I can just taste, and my overwhelming to-do list seems daunting, but in this moment, in the middle of the storm, the whirlwind, and the earthquake, I know that the fire is there to ignite something in me. To get me through this moment and onto the next. You don’t have to make it happen fast. It doesn’t have to be now – you have to work, dream, dare to WAIT sometimes before you jump out of the nest and fly. For me, that’s the hardest pill to swallow.
I’ve got some really exciting things coming up. A lot to share, but I can’t share any of it yet. What’s the point of telling you? So that you’ll know when it happens. You’ll know that this extra hard work, these epic to-do lists, these stormy moments were for something greater than me. I’m excited. And terrified – but the good kind of terrified. Even though I want everything done now, I know that it doesn’t have to be that way.