You guys know that I love the amazing work that Roc Solid Foundation does, and I’ve loved working with them these past few months on their Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, AND content creation. I had the pleasure of spending some time with them and the awesome team at Avalon Bay a couple of weeks ago while […]
Working with Roc Solid Foundation has been nothing short of humbling. I get to work with some of the most awesome people that do some of the most awesome things throughout this community and beyond. The coolest thing about working with these guys? They truly believe (and I do, too) that play defeats cancer. With […]
The Ready Bag Program through Roc Solid Foundation is the first sign of hope in what feels like an impossible time. When families get that first diagnosis that their child has pediatric cancer, it’s incredibly daunting. They have to immediately be admitted to the hospital for tests and treatments, without any time to stop at […]
I knew that when I started working with Roc Solid Foundation that I would be inspired by the stories that I’d hear and the people that I met. I was (and still am) excited for that. I had the incredible privilege of meeting 4 fantastic families earlier this week when doing the June content shoot […]