A New Year’s Intention for 2021 {Resolutions are the Worst}

Here’s the deal: I think resolutions are kind of the worst. Why do we wait until January 1st to start being better people or do something we really want to do? I believe in creating an intention for yourself for the new year (or at any given time, when you think the time is right). Something to grow on. Something to teach yourself to be a better version of yourself. I don’t like the resolutions that say, “I want to lose the 15 lbs I gained in quarantine!” (I mean, I do…). Doesn’t it feel like you’re setting yourself up for too much of an end goal? Just being done with whatever it is that you’re working on? I know that resolutions work REALLY well for some people, so I’m not knocking them for everyone – just myself.

Why do we decide that the beginning of a new year is when we should start being better versions of ourselves? Why is that the answer? I’ve been of the belief over the last few years that I’d rather change my way of thinking than put a finite resolution out there – something that ends. In the past, my intentions have been to get uncomfortable. To stay uncomfortable. I’ve intended to live. To live up to my potential. I’ve intended to be more organized.  To be present. I want to be able to look back at the years of my life and the intentions that I’ve made for my mindset, my mentality, and my way of living and see a positive change.

What I want for 2021

This year? This year my intention is all about love. I want to LOVE. I want to love what I do all the time. Let me get rid of the shit that doesn’t make me happy. Love means more than just romantic love. It means finding the time to be with the people that you love, it means finding time to love yourself and do the things that you love. Love means finding the joy in every day things. I want more of that in my life, and I intend to take the things that I’ve learned about myself this year and translate them into more love.

If we spent a little more time focusing on the positive, on the things that we love, then when the tough times come (like, oh, I don’t know, a pandemic), maybe we’d find ourselves thankful for those things that we love. We’d find ourselves happier and healthier and more willing to put aside our differences for each other. Love creates real connections – with friends, family, clients. More importantly? Self-love is so important to be good for all of those people, all of those connections, and the connection that we have with ourselves.

I wish for you a year of love. Light. And I wish that you’d hold me accountable to that intention when I get mad, when I argue with strangers on the internet, or when I’m not able to find the positive in a really tough situation.

misty saves the day, do what you love, sketch and neon, new years resolutions are the worst

In the spirit of trying to be more team-focused, I wanted to share my teams resolutions with you as well (and they were totally approved these to share).

From Ashley:

“My New Years Resolution is to wear more ribbons.

I’ve been a mostly stay at home mom for the past 4.5 years, working part time for MSD in between preschool runs and nap times and all the other invisible work of a mom, and in that time I’ve kind of lost my desire to just do those little things that make me feel joyful. That make ME feel pretty. That make ME feel like more than just a mom in yoga pants. In this season of life I’m still most comfortable squatting on the floor and hauling laundry to our basement laundry room in something stretchy. And even 2 years after that second baby I still don’t feel quite myself in this body.

So I’m just going to try to wear more ribbons. Buy the fancy mascara. Paint my nails, even if it’s chipping two days later. And do the seemingly smallest of things to remind myself that I’m so much more than a mom. Even if the ribbon gets pulled out 15 minutes later by a toddler. Which it will. Guaranteed. ”

From Brenna:

“As for New Year resolutions — I don’t like them. Why wait until the New Year to make a change for yourself? Currently I am working to make sure that I’m taking care of myself because this year, and the last four years of division, has been really hard for me.”

From Mal:

“My two NY resolutions are to continue to grow in my craft in web design and focus on the good in all areas of my life.”

From Lauren:

“New Years’ Resolution: to slow down. To actually take time to be intentional with what I say and do, rather than filling my day and mental/emotional tank up to the point of exhaustion. And to prioritize myself and my needs because I don’t do that very well, currently.”

From Kacee:

“New Year’s resolution – It’s silly but – Drink more water, spend time with family and friends, do more craft projects I always say I want to do but never have time for, make time for the gym ( it’s difficult), and read a few good books.”

From Emily:

“My resolution for next year is to really dive into what makes me feel happy and fulfilled and focus on those things. (For instance starting my makeup career journey.)”

From Sandy:

“I don’t really make resolutions. I make small daily resolutions to help get by – like every day I’m going to try to be a better mom, and drink more water, put my phone down, be more present. Things I should already be doing, but just reminders.” A year is along time and unpredictable and long term resolutions stress me out – like eating better or exercising- yes I’d love to commit to those but if I can’t do them that day I don’t want to hold onto that guilt that I’ve already failed.”

From Jamie:

“I want to drink less wine on the weekdays.”

From Britney:

“My New Year’s Resolution is to restore the parts of me that were chipped away this past year, especially the creative outlets that I had to put on the back burner.”

In conclusion: it doesn’t matter if you make a resolution or an intention or whatever. Let’s just collectively decide to be a better version of ourselves – ANY day and every day.

Happy New Year, you guys. Here’s to an amazing 2021.

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